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Best fruit juices and drinks for Summer



Watermelon juice is one of the best juices for summer. It acts as a natural coolant agent in our body that soothes and keeps our body refreshed. Watermelon consists of 92% water loaded with minerals and rich nutrients (Vitamin A, C and B12) keeps your body hydrated for a longer time. On the other side, it is a low calorie supplement that will not even affect your diet plan.


This citric family fruit (Lemon) is a rich source of Vitamin C, Potassium, and Vitamin B6. It has a rich antioxidant and antibacterial properties as well. All these makes it a great fruit juice for summers. Consuming a glass of lemon juice will instantly source you energy that you exhaust in sweat due to high temperature.

Sugar Cane

Sugar cane is the major source of natural glucose on the earth. Products like refined white sugar, jaggery, brown sugar, and molasses etc are made of sugar cane only.

During summer, sugar cane juice works as a soother element for our body. Consuming sugar cane juice with ginger, and lemon drops provides much needed energy, nutrients, and iron, magnesium, calcium and other minerals to the body. This could be an ideal afternoon juice to refuel your lost energy during mid work.

Kacchi Kairi Sharbat or Aam paana

Summer season welcomes the most heated days for nearly two to three months. The temperature in the Asian region and India crosses above 40 degree. After a hectic day schedule in the office at this much temperature pace low down the energy.

Having a kairi Paana juice in the evening time after reaching the home can help you lift the mood. This citric family fruit is a game changer enriched with Vitamin C that promotes formation of red blood cells. It will give you the boost to spend rest of the evening hours happily.



There is hardly anyone in India who do not know about Lassi. This dairy product based recipe made by churning curd and thickening it to a cream. The curd is a great source of protein and calcium that helps in boosting immune system, improves cardiovascular health, strengthen bones, and ease body stress.

Therefore, having a lassi in the summer season will supply the body much needed fats, proteins and essentials minerals to the body along with water that will keep your body charged and hydrated for a longer period.



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