Best afternoon and mid-afternoon foods to boost up energy

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Starting your day with a good morning images and messages of your loved ones, make your morning awesome. But, what after resuming the work and you feel low in the afternoon. The afternoon time slot (12 PM to 4 PM) sometimes makes us feel sleepy and low on energy and this could affect our work productivity. Here, we come up with the list of best foods to include in your afternoon diet chart to keep you motivated and healthy during the rest working hours. Let’s explore them.

Whole wheat toast

During afternoon, we need our brain and central nervous system active and Glucose is the best source to keep them charged. Whole wheat grains could be an ideal stuff for that purpose.

Chicken noodle soup

If you are into a heavy work or in the IT industry where you deal with a lot stress and feels down after few hours. You should try Chicken noodle soup to make it a good afternoon time. It is enriched with carbohydrates and protein that will give necessary momentum to your body.


Banana is enriched with magnesium, potassium and Sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose). Also, it has necessary fibers that helps you get rid of drain feelings in the mid afternoon time.


Oats are a great source of energy because of the glycogen that helps fuel the brain and muscles. It’s not just good for breakfast – it can also be an ideal snack.



Not only is a snack bag of almonds or pistachios convenient, it’s also an energy-booster. That’s because most nuts contain magnesium, potassium and sodium, which are required for energy.

Magnesium, potassium, vitamins, and even sodium is the demand of our body to fuel up during hectic schedule. That moment nuts would be an ideal sources to gain such power packed nutrients. You can add almonds, cashew, walnut etc to your afternoon or mid afternoon diet.


To remain cool and calm, one should add yogurt in the lunch to make it a good afternoon lunch. The yogurt will helps in digestion and fuel up calcium requirements.


Oranges are rich sources of vitamin c and fibers. Having an orange in the afternoon hours will help you get necessary vitamin c that will bless you with skin glow.

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