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What information/details you can add in a first birthday milestone board

Are you planning to create a milestone or chalkboard for your baby’s first birthday? Do you know what details you can add to the birthday poster/ Are you seeking for suggestions?

Hey reader, heads down to the page below, we have prepared what to add in a milestone board for the first birthday party.

Details to add in the first birthday milestone board

Baby Name

The whole party is dedicated to the baby. It is his/her special day. So, while writing a milestone board, keep the name in focus.


The party is all about completing the milestone. Let people know, the milestone is explaining the twelve months journey. You can write age in different ways:



Height, Weight, and no. of Teeth details

Share your little baby details with the guests and relatives and get those questions avoided in person during the party. You can add details including his/her height, weight, and no. of teeth.



In a one year span time, the baby learn various things. Like, walking, rolling, smiling etc. Even, some babies learn to speak few words like Mummy, Daddy, Hello, Bye etc.

So, it is time to highlight what activities your baby has learnt till now. Write it in a stylish way and make a good impression on the invitees.

Favorite food and Toys

You can even add his/her favorite food and toy names in the milestone board. Suppose your baby loves doll or a teddy bear, mention her favorite toy in the chalkboard. If they love chocolates (sweets), snacks etc, list the food items.



A baby when born gets numerous names from different family members and relatives apart from his/her original name. Grandparents may call her sweety, Dad little pie, Mother might call he darling or doll. So, think of all the names and add it. This will give more wings to the party as guests will greet your little ones with different names.


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