What is 3.5 as a fraction

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3.5 as a fraction is 7/2.

How to solve 3.5 as a fraction?

Whenever you solving a decimal into fraction, first start with dividing the number by 1. The number will become 3.5/1.

In the second step, count the digits after the decimal point. Here, there is one digit after the decimal. So, we will multiply and divide the number by 10.

The number will look like 3.5×10/1×10. The resultant will be 35/10.

Now, the next step is finding the common factors that can divide both number 35 and 10. We will prefer the highest common factor among both numbers that can divide them. The number that can divide both is 5. So, the fraction of 3.5 is 7/2.

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