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What is 0.8 as a fraction

0.8 as a fraction is 4/5.

Steps to convert 0.8 into Fraction:

To solve a decimal to fraction, always make a decimal number a fraction by dividing it by 1.

Once you divided it by 1, you obtain a number 0.8/1.

After that, you need to check how many digits are appearing after the decimal. Here, in 0.8, there is only one digit. Multiply and divide the denominator by 10.

(Why multiply by 10, if there is one digit after decimal multiply by 10, two digit by 100, 3 digits by 1000 and so on. this way you can turn the decimal into a whole number.)

After multiplying and diving 10 to 0.8/1, it will be 8/10. The highest common factor between 8 and 10 is 2. Divide both 8 and 10 by 2. Thus, it will become 4/5.

So, the fraction of 0.8 is 4/5.

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