What is 0.375 as a fraction [Simplest Method]

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What is the answer of 0.375 as a fraction?

Ans: The fraction of 0.375 is 3/8.

Simplest method to solve the 0.375 as a fraction

Step 1:

Whenever you solving this kind of problem, always remember, the division of 1 will produce the same number. So, first write 0.375 as 0.375/1.

Step 2: To make the decimal into whole number, we will count the places after the decimal. As you see 375 after the decimal, so we will multiply and divide 1000 to 0.375/1.

Thus, 0.375/1 will become 375/1000. Here, now the HCF will be come into its role. Fine the highest common factor that completely divide both the numbers 375 and 1000.

The answer is 125 (125X3=375, and 125×8=1000). So, we will divide both the numerator and denominator by 125.

So, the answer of 0.375 as a fraction is 3/8.





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