5000 in words is “five thousand”. The number 5000 comes after 4999 and comes before 5001.
To understand the spelling of 5000, look at the place value table,
Thousands | Hundreds | Tens | Units |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Multiplication times table of 5000
5000 | x | 1 | = | 5000 |
5000 | x | 2 | = | 10000 |
5000 | x | 3 | = | 15000 |
5000 | x | 4 | = | 20000 |
5000 | x | 5 | = | 25000 |
5000 | x | 6 | = | 30000 |
5000 | x | 7 | = | 35000 |
5000 | x | 8 | = | 40000 |
5000 | x | 9 | = | 45000 |
5000 | x | 10 | = | 50000 |
How to read multiplication times table of 5000 in words?
Five thousand times one is five thousand
Five thousand times two is ten thousand
Five thousand times three is fifteen thousand
Five thousand times four is twenty thousand
Five thousand times five is twenty five thousand
Five thousand times six is thirty thousand
Five thousand times seven is thirty five thousand
Five thousand times eight is forty thousand
Five thousand times nine is forty five thousand
Five thousand times ten is fifty thousand