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0.875 as a fraction [Solved]

What is 0.875 as a fraction?

0.875 as a fraction is 7/8.

Steps to solve 0.875 as a fraction:

First step is to convert the number into a fraction format.

Divide 0.875 by 1. It will turn as 0.875/1.

Next step is to remove the decimal point. You see three digits after the decimal point, so multiply and divide the number by 1000. Thus the number will become 875/1000.

Start finding the highest common factors between 875 and 1000 that can divide both the numbers. 125 is the number that divides both 875 and 100o perfectly.

Thus by diving 875 and 100 by 125, the resultant is 7/8.

Hence, the fraction of 0.875 is 7/8.

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