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How to Curve Text in Canva

Canva, one of the best and convenient tool for designing templates online. Do you know, this tool can do almost all the things that premium softwares do. Yes, from creating simple basic designs to professional designs, everything is possible in Canva.

Today, I will tell you a smart way of styling text in your design “how to curve text in Canva”. Find the steps below to add a curve text in your next Canva design.

How to curve text in Canva?

First, login to Canva and select a template by clicking, “create a design”.

Click on the Text section, select a text box. Replace the dummy text with your own text. Adjust the font size, color, and change the font type.


Select the text heading, you will see a button “Effects” in the upper head section. Click on it. Scroll it down. A “Curve” button will be visible. Hit it.


To adjust the curve upward and downward, you will see a curve bar below. Pushing the curve bar left will incline the text upward while pushing to the right will incline it downwards.


To enhance the curve text view, you can adjust the text spacing feature of Canva. Click on “spacing” icon and adjust the letter and text spacing simultaneously.

Curve Text Ideas Created using Canva

Idea 1

Idea 2

Idea 3

Idea 4



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